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in reply to Schmaker

Sama vybuchne munice a kvůli tomu je potřeba na oplátku sestřelovat Starlinky. 😂
Unknown parent

Mac_CZ 🇦🇶
Psalo se o dvou zásazích.
Unknown parent

Jan Molič
sputnik psal o bouři na moři..
in reply to Mac_CZ 🇦🇶

I only heard it got damaged on the Dutch national news station a few days ago, did it actually sink? 😬👍
in reply to Christiaan :nixos: :flag_nl:

It did. Russians are saying it's ammunition exploded (no external forces mentioned) and pulled all their navy 150 km away from the land.

Guess that they may be scared of their self-exploding ships may damage something 😁

BBC source