"After more than four years of hard work and half a billion dollars spent, however, Trilogy has had little impact on the FBI’s antiquated case-management system, which today remains a morass of mainframe green screens and vast stores of paper records. As Senator Judd Gregg observed, “the software, which runs the hardware, is a huge problem.”
1) robit velke (a este k tomu aj statne) IT je tazke 2) Pirati na to IMHO isli dobre a spravne, len neustali politicku (a teda nie odbornu) stranku veci: machinacie a pomstu tych, ktorym prerusili tzv. "paňazovod"
Jaroslav Kraif
in reply to Tomáš Znamenáček • • •Luboš Račanský
in reply to Jaroslav Kraif • • •Schmaker
in reply to Tomáš Znamenáček • •like this
Tomáš Znamenáček, Jiří ze skladu, Mark12870 a Tritol like this.
Jan Bartosik
in reply to Schmaker • • •@schmaker @banterCZ @scobra1cz
Jsou už někde vypsané kurzy na vítěze nové zakázky? 😀
Tomáš Znamenáček
in reply to Jan Bartosik • • •Jan Korbel 🐧
in reply to Tomáš Znamenáček • • •Peter Hanecak
in reply to Tomáš Znamenáček • • •Dam criepok z USA:
"After more than four years of hard work and half a billion dollars spent, however, Trilogy has had little impact on the FBI’s antiquated case-management system, which today remains a morass of mainframe green screens and vast stores of paper records. As Senator Judd Gregg observed, “the software, which runs the hardware, is a huge problem.”
Anatomy of an IT disaster: How the FBI blew it
Eric Knorr (InfoWorld)Peter Hanecak
in reply to Peter Hanecak • • •2/2 A chcem naznacit najma dve veci:
1) robit velke (a este k tomu aj statne) IT je tazke
2) Pirati na to IMHO isli dobre a spravne, len neustali politicku (a teda nie odbornu) stranku veci: machinacie a pomstu tych, ktorym prerusili tzv. "paňazovod"