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From the days when DVDs were still a thing. We ordered up to 10k DVDs for each #Fedora #Linux release and had them shipped to our office.
This picture is exactly 10 years old.
in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

voľakedy som si takto objednával Ubuntu. Bohužiaľ všetky tie médiá zmizli v časopriestore pri sťahovaní...
in reply to Lukáš Jelínek

@aikencz We had to end it in 2016. If you want to go with the technology of pressed DVDs, it's only cheap in large quantities because there is a high fixed cost associated with setting up the machines.
When we were down to 2k, we stopped it. By that time most people grabbed them only as collectibles, not as installation media anyway.
in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

I sold even small quantities - not for profit but for good. There were some people that wanted to buy a prepared DVD (or a flash disk) instead of downloading and burning/copying an installation image.
in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

I remember good old disquotheqes while installing #Mandrake #Linux 9.2 and #Fedora Core 6

It was suprisingly nice experience even for BFU

in reply to Schmaker

@schmaker The Czech edition of Madrake/Madriva Linux even had repositories on DVDs. In the second year of uni I didn't have Internet at dormitories, so I installed packages from them. It kept saying "Insert DVD 1", "Insert DVD 2"... as it was installing dependecies. 😄
in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

@Jiří Eischmann :fedora:
Yup, I know the feeling.

But nothing can beat my satisfaction when I first time successfully figured out how to play #EnemyTerritory installed from .run file, even though it took me like 3 days to figure out back then 😀

in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

There was something comforting about getting software on a disk, then hearing it whirr onto your computer 😀
in reply to Etua

@etua_en Then they were shipped in smaller packages with swag to Fedora ambassadors (volunteers who represented Fedora in their locations).
in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

Strange how time flies. I don't have any disc drive in my desktop for 5 years now. Only used external drive to grab all audio CDs to FLAC to be able to listen to them since then. And I'm currently ordering new external Blu-Ray - as an not-so-expensive, small and reliable offline backup for stuff I don't need my drives to be littered with, but important enough to be saved, just in case. The 25 GB M-Discs look like a good option.


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Jiří Eischmann :fedora:
@mdwalters 10 years ago is 2014. Cameras were not already that bad back then. This one was taken on Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini.
in reply to Jiří Eischmann :fedora:

Are these :fedora: discs still sitting somewhere in warehouse? Would enjoy having some in my collection next to these oldies 😁
in reply to Gytis Repečka 💾 💻 ⚙️

@gytis I can check once we get back to the office (it's now closed due to some renovations), but I'm afraid there is nothing left besides our collection of one DVD for each release which we want to keep.