Fuck, this is 4th dead ESC on this #eskate. Never buying anything from #Meepo or w/ LingYi ESC again. Love my v3 but it eats like 1 esc per 1000km, very uneconomical.
Weird thing is this time it died some time after a ride while not in use. And the motors are braking, had no idea this is possible by just shorting the phases or what. Pic possibly failure-related?
in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • •@Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
That's weird behavior. Do I understand correctly that the part that is broken is actually motor controller? Have you checked actual motor and it's wiring?
I'm continously reinsulating my #eScooter cables as their insulation is breaking all the time
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Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
in reply to Schmaker • • •@schmaker haven't looked into the motors yet, so can't rule it out. When motors are disconnected from the controller they can spin freely, when i connect it (no power) then they do like 1/8 revolution instead of full one when spun by hand.
Wanted to re-check if the controller powers on but the battery connector evaporated, I guess if it wasn't dead before now it is ...
Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • • •Schmaker
in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • •@Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
Well, there is clearly something fishy going on as this connector is (afaik) able to handle 60 amps. Soldering issue?
I don't think it's related to the ESC problem though
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Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • • •Konecne jsem opet mobilni (bez slapani). Jsem zvedav kolikrat toto ESC zvladnu behem dvou let vyreklamovat.
@micromobilita #eskate #brno #kralovopole #photo #sliceoflife
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in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • •Jede? Tak to je chvíle, kdy se věci prodávaj a kupuje se jiná značka 😀
Btw. @Mikromobilita CZ/SK přesdílí pouze top-level příspěvky, aby nebyly nekompletní thready
Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
in reply to Schmaker • • •@schmaker @micromobilita Prodat nee, budu mit jako zalozni az koupim jinou znacku, ale zatim nevim kterou ...
Jasne, thx, dobre vedet.
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Lubko Van Ape 🇺🇦
in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • • •vbabka likes this.
Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
in reply to Lubko Van Ape 🇺🇦 • • •@lkundrak @micromobilita preferably just before boarding a train to better future
good spot's nearby tho: en.mapy.cz/s/jegejapemu
in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • •@Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦
One more thing - when the motor is not spinning freely, then one of coils is definitely shorted in the ECS.
You can easily try by shorting motor power cables together without voltage applied, if it acts the same
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in reply to Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 • •Moravian Kaleidoscopy Ltd🇺🇦 likes this.