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Friendica 2023.12 released

We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Yellow Archangel” 2023.12. Finally wrapping up the changes since May – the highlights of this release are Note that the minimal PHP version for Friendica was raised to

We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Yellow Archangel” 2023.12. Finally wrapping up the changes since May – the highlights of this release are

  • the bluesky connector has been made bi-directional,
  • moderation reports can now be send by users and reviewed by the node admins,
  • user defined groups are now called Circles and forum accounts are now Group accounts, and last but not least
  • users now have a better control over their network streams with the new Channels feature.

Note that the minimal PHP version for Friendica was raised to PHP 7.4 with this release.

For details, please the CHANGELOG file in the repository.

What is Friendica

Friendica is a decentralized communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Tumblr.

How to Update

Updating from old Friendica versions

If you are updating from an older version than the 2022.12 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as it contained some breaking changes.

Pre-Update Procedures

Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently.

Using Git

Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository, regardless of the branch (stable or develop) you are using. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. So, assuming that you are on the stable branch, the commands to update your installation to the 2023.12 release would be
cd friendica
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git pull
If you want to use a different branch than the stable one, you need to fetch and checkout the branch before your perform the git pull.

Pulling in the dependencies with composer will show some deprecation warning, we will be working on that in the upcoming release.

Using the Archive Files

If you had downloaded the source files in an archive file (tar.gz) please download the current version of the archive from friendica-full-2023.12.tar.gz (sha256) and friendica-addons 2023.12.tar.gz (sha256)) and unpack it on your local computer.

As many files got deleted or moved around, please upload the unpacked files to a new directory on your server (say friendica_new) and copy over your existing configuration (config/local.config.php and config/addon.config.php) and .htaccess files. Afterwards rename your current Friendica directory (e.g. friendica) to friendica_old and friendica_new to friendica.

The files of the dependencies are included in the archive (make sure you are using the friendica-full-2023.12 archive), so you don’t have to worry about them.

Post Update Tasks

The database update should be applied automatically, but sometimes it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.

Please note, that some of the changes to the database structure will take some time to be applied, depending on the size of your Friendica database.

Known Issues

Following the release of Friendica 2023.12 the following issues were reported:

  • S3 addon unusable [13760]

How to Contribute

If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum.

Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places.

Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible, and especially to all the new contributors to Friendica, and have fun!…

in reply to Friendica News

We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Yellow Archangel” 2023.12. Finally wrapping up the changes since May – the highlights of this release are Note that the minimal PHP version for Friendica was raised to
@Friendica News that post took 6 hours to arrive... Just arrived right when I switched to stable.
in reply to utzer [Friendica]

Don't think so. There was no problem. I guess the 'adjust the feed poll frequency' option is responsible for the delay. Maybe that option doesn't make sense on the forum node. ☺️
in reply to Steffen K9 🐰

@Steffen K9 🐰 ah, sorry then, doesn't it take the setting in the config file into account anymore? I need to start reading the release notes (more careful). @Cătă
in reply to utzer [Friendica]

No need to be sorry. 😀 The option is great. Therefore I have enabled it on all nodes - via config file and lately also via admin panel. But the Friendica blog publishes new posts only occasionally. So the RSS feed was fetched way too seldom. I have changed that to manually/hourly now.
in reply to Friendica News

Am I the only one didn't really expecting 2023.09 to arrive in 2023 ? 😀
Tato položka byla upravena (9 months ago)
in reply to Schmaker

#Channels feature seems particularly interesting .. looking forward tomorrows upgrade ..

Nice work guys

in reply to Friendica News

Seems like [img] is a little broken. Not sure it's related to show more addon or not
in reply to ginAd

Nice hint, thanks bud (I actually thought I already done it - well, guess not 😀 )

Edit: It fixed both issues

Tato položka byla upravena (9 months ago)
in reply to Schmaker

@Schmaker @Friendica News @ginAd Huh, switching to a new release should have busted the CSS/JS cache automatically 🤔
in reply to Friendica News

Super danke! Alles bestens gegangen. Schönes Geschenk 😉