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Odd problem

!Friendica Support

I've been setting up this node, but hit a couple of problems. some old, some new.

My top two right now are:

1) I can't like / unlike posts from some pages, but can on others;

if I visit /profile/kacey, for example, I can't click like, and see "Network error".

If I click the little icon to take me to the source, I see the url looks like:


and on that otherwise identical looking page, I *can* click on like / unlike.

I also still have issues with following others. I thought this might have been misconfiguration on my old node, but this one is freshly configured and still does not work as expected.

2) clicking follow in the global direcotry seems to be broken still. I thought this had been fixed? Have I got something set up wrong?

in reply to Ian Molton

There are actually some pages from which you can´t "like".
For example: when you go through the menu "Moderation" and click a user, so you are on his profile, you can´t like.
This was introduced with the Moderation Pages and isn´t fixed yet.
When i iclick my profile on the upper left and choose "directory" i can follow everyone with just one click.
Is that behavior different to yours?
@Ian Molton
in reply to Raroun

I can follow from the local directory. but not from the global directory at all.
in reply to Ian Molton

@Ian Molton
Can you activate the friendica Log on level "debuging", then try to follow someone which you know won´t work, deactive the logging, and post the log on a platform like pastebin or something else and share the link?
in reply to utzer [Friendica]

Thanks guys - I'm firefighting (other stuff) right now, will get back to you in a bit.
in reply to Ian Molton


I enabled logging and captured this when attempting to log in with fedilab (on my test server running develop)…

in reply to Ian Molton

Im running lighttpd - perhaps something isnt redirecting correctly?
in reply to Ian Molton

I suspect that this rewrite rule is the issue.

url.rewrite-if-not-file = (
"^\/([^\?]*)\?(.*)$" => "/index.php?pagename=$1&$2",
"^\/(.*)$" => "/index.php?pagename=$1"

I can see the requests, but it doesnt seem to actually work. just gets a 404

in reply to Ian Molton

Update: I have connected fedilab to my instance...

the issue was lighttpd config - I commented out the following line and it worked...

# "url-normalize-required" => "enable",# recommended

Unsure if this is wise...

Having logged in, I got a notice that push notifications wont work. I dont know what its getting at, but here it is:

in reply to Ian Molton

@Ian Molton Thank you for documenting this all. Sorry, that I cannot help you a bit here. For the last error, can you provide some log file? Maybe #Fedilab tries to access some URLs Friendica is not supporting.
in reply to Ian Molton

@Ian Molton Fedilab requires configured ntfy on your phone. It's not related to server configuration - just follow steps on link of the error message

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in reply to Schmaker

Oh... That's unexpected.



Why didn't it just say "please install ntfy"?

I tend to assume that software comes... Well, complete. Errors like this are unhelpful.

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in reply to Schmaker

That's good.

I wonder if they would like some help with translation...

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in reply to Ian Molton


Afaik push notifications (or a provider for this) is not connected to a single app.

So something like #Ntfy is a different thing.

I would complain, if app A would install app B without asking me... 😉

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in reply to Nordnick

So would I.

But the message want helpful.

It was written by someone who knows what they are talking about.

I'm a kernel Dev.

Websites aren't really my thing, and I have no idea how much of activitypub and web APIs actually work.

I've never used fedilab, and have no idea what to expect.

If it had said "in order to get push notifications you need to install one of the following <list>" then I could have just done that.

But more importantly, what are the consequences of not doing it? What shouldn't I expect to work? It's it actually optional?

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in reply to Ian Molton


I don't use push notifications.

Have installed #Tusky, #Fedilab, ...

Afaik this just effects, how fast you will get notifications about... notifications... 😉 ... so e.g. someone mentioned you.

Mostly using #Mastodon (and #Mammuthus), i have to admit, but also installed a #Friendica instance once... 😉

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in reply to Nordnick

@Nordnick :verified:
I think you're wrong - at least with Fedilab. IIRC you won't get any notifications without ntfy in Fedilab
@Friendica Support @Ian Molton

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in reply to Nordnick

@Nordnick :verified:
I just did. It has timed polling for notifications, but push is turned on default (that's why I had no idea)

Guess I was the one being wrong after all 😀
@Friendica Support @Ian Molton

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in reply to Nordnick

The thing is, I'm a kernel dev. I can figure stuff out.

But I'm not particularly a web guy or really all that interested.

Thing is though, that whilst I might eventually figure this out (if I can be bothered), it just shouldnt be this hard...

That first message is bad enough, but having installed ntfy, I get:

Which is utterly useless. I though I'd just install it, and *bam* push notifications, but theres a whole UI with complicated buttons and stuff.

Why? Is this really needed to get a notification?

I know, I'll read the link on the screen... now *two* levels deep on something that sounds simple...

and get to this:

"Push notifications made easy"

Oh thank fuck... where's the button to make all this go away?

so, first up, Im patronisingly told how to pronouncy ntfy.

Apparently it's a simple "HTTP-based pub-sub notification service"

and "allows me to blah blah REST API"

Its "Infinitely flexible"

I can get it everywhere.


What does it do?
How does it do it?
Why isn't it doing it?
How do I make it do it?

I've never used a REST API in my life. This is bonkers.

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in reply to Ian Molton


I can't remember how my own installation went, but I knew that I needed to install Ntfy, so I think somewhere in there, there was a message to install.


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in reply to Ian Molton

cat Fedilab > /dev/null
Tato položka byla upravena (1 year ago)

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