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Kdyby náhodou jste to nevěděli, tak rusáckej dobytek stále vraždí civilisty na Ukrajině.

Já jen, až budete mít pocit, že jste "unavený válkou", tak lidi v tomhle baráku byli jen unavený a šli spát.

Díra v bytovce od rusáckého ostřelování raketou

#rusko #Ukrajina #StopWar

Rescuers have found a body of a 15-year-old boy, Borys, under the rubble in Kharkiv.

Borys is probably no longer alive as he sustained very serious injuries and spent too many hours under the debris.

The rescuers are trying to decide how to get him out, as the building is not stable.

This is Borys's aunt. She is trying to call him and hopes for a miracle
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin #EU #NATO

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