Skvělá zpráva - #Unreal a #UnrealTournament je teď ve své podstatě #freeware, protože #Epic dal k dispozici zdarma pro #gaming komunitu k dispozici ISO s datovými soubory pro použití třeba s #OldUnreal
Vypnutí master-serverů bylo ošklivý, ale tady je přesně vidět, že tlak komunity dokáže hodně.
The article "Classic Unreal Tournament and Unreal now easier to download free thanks to OldUnreal" was updated, with a statement from Epic Games to confirm it's totally fine…#UnrealTournament #Gaming #PCGaming #EpicGames

Epic Games announced back at the end of 2022 that they were pulling a whole bunch of classics like Unreal Tournament and Unreal from stores, along with turning off servers, but now it's a bit easier to get them running again.
Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)