To nevymyslíš - rusáci se chtěli převléct za Ukrajince, aby je mohli kosit v přestrojení, ale viděl je vlastní dron, takže je sejmula vlastní artilerie (32 okupantů KO), která tím odhalila svoje pozice a tak jí rozšlehali Ukrajinci (19 okupantů KO).
Tohle napíše jedině život 😀
#Rusko #Ukrajina #StopWar
A Russian channel reports that near Robotyne, Russian troops wanted to carry out an operation 'behind enemy lines'. Russian soldiers changed into Ukrainian uniform but were spotted by a Russian UAV who probably knew nothing about this. He mistook the Russian group for Ukrainian soldiers who were directly fired with artillery. Result, 32 deaths. After this, the Ukrainian troops also unraveled the artillery position of the Russians, which then came under fire. Result, 19 deaths.
Johnny in Mirrorshades
in reply to Schmaker • • •Jestli je to pravda, tak je to undercover skill level 9999.
selfpwn jako krava 😀
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in reply to Johnny in Mirrorshades • •FoxVK
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in reply to Schmaker • • •@noelreports
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Jan Antoš
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Radomír Žemlička
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