Dneska mi píplo, že #inZOI je možné zakoupit v #earlyaccess
inZOI on Steam
"Every life becomes a story" Create your unique story by controlling and observing the lives of 'Zois'.store.steampowered.com
albi insincerely yours reshared this.
Dneska mi píplo, že #inZOI je možné zakoupit v #earlyaccess
"Every life becomes a story" Create your unique story by controlling and observing the lives of 'Zois'.store.steampowered.com
albi insincerely yours reshared this.
Adam Štrauch
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to Adam Štrauch • •@Adam Štrauch
Noup, mám to sice ve wishlistu, ale hry přes 15-20 USD nekupuju.
Moje klika je, že mám takovej backlog, že si můžu dovolit počkat, až se na tuhle cenu dostane 😁
Adam Štrauch
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to Adam Štrauch • •@Adam Štrauch
Jak jsi přišel na "online"?
Tohle má bejt afaik singleplayer, normálně náhrada #Sims 😀
Adam Štrauch
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker likes this.
Adam Štrauch
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker likes this.