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!Friendica Support Can someone try on your 2024.03 instance that ordinary search (not hashtag or anything, just text) is working?

It seems like it does not work anymore on my instance

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in reply to Schmaker

There is a new search-index table in 2024.03. If I remember correctly the content of this table is created by the postupdate process. This may take a lot of time when you upgraded from 2023.12. So, most likely the text search will be fixed automatically after some time.
in reply to Schmaker

So, let's update this after a while. dbstructure-update and post-update are done.

The problem is this:

Tried to update the system, but the issue is persistent.

PHP 8.3.4 on ArchLinux

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in reply to Schmaker

Just want to confirm that this fix work in case someone founds this thread first 😀

@Jonathan Lamothe You need to install the intl PHP extension to use this function.

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