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Do you use #ArchLinux based #Garuda with #Microsoft #SurfaceBook and cannot use touchscreen?

Well, solution is easy.

sudo rm /usr/lib/modprobe.d/noime.conf

Someone in Garuda team gone nuts blacklisting modules

in reply to Schmaker

depending on what the file does you create a file in /etc that does the opposite. It'll be preferred 😁
in reply to Fabian � 🏳️‍🌈

I don't know opposite command to blacklist, so I guess load has to do the job...
Tato položka byla upravena (2 months ago)

Make Meta key actually usefull in KDE

In #KDE #PlasmaDesktop i found "Meta" (alias "Windows") key behavior kinda annoying. Let's make it actually usefull:

Open ~/.config/kwinrc

Add this:


Logout / Login or run this command:
qdbus org.kde.KWin /KWin reconfigure

Profit 😀


Tato položka byla upravena (1 year ago)