As a part of this socially-asocial #Fediverse network I would like to talk to you on the other side of the ocean.
I rarely write posts in #English and I only have very few followers that are not #Czech or #Slovakian, so I'm not sure if this ever reaches my target audience of this post - the #USA citizens.
I am seriously concerned about what is happening lately with your country, who was supposed to be (or was acting like) a #democracy beacon. Yet, somehow you managed to reach the point, where #president, who most of you (!) elected is felon, who pardons criminals and does pretty rude political statements to country, who is losing lives of it's citizens only because they have chosen the path of being a #free nation.
As a person from central #EU I must admit this is seriously hard to watch as I expected your society to be #freedom and #liberty friendly and yet I see your president fueling #propaganda from #Russia and bullying president of #Ukraine.
I do not think this is a great way to #StopWar - this is a way to lose it. I'm hell-of-a-sure that befriending pretty much dictator of #Russia while his propagandists talks about nuking Washington is not a good idea, but somehow your president believes it is.
Please reconsider and act, this is not funny and people are dying. Your voices need to be heard or somehow you might find out you live in country you never imagined...
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SeznamZprávy napsal/a:
Zpráva visela ve vládní whatsappové skupině šest minut, než si ministr průmyslu uvědomil svůj omyl a rychle ji smazal. Bylo už pozdě, mezi tím ji viděla většina ostatních ministrů. Síkela pravděpodobně chtěl poslat zprávu jednomu ze svých poradců a omylem ji vložil do jiné skupiny, jako se to už stalo asi každému.
1.4. už bylo, ne? Fakt vláda interně komunikuje ve WhatsAppové skupině? Nic bezpečnějšího nevymysleli?
To přeci nemůžou myslet vážně
#STAN #Czech #bezpečnost #WhatsApp
Chystá Síkela puč? Uniklá zpráva pobavila vládu, Rakušana o něco méně
„Je čas to převzít, pomůže to našim cílům.“ Jak se ministři snažili rozluštit význam zprávy ve svých telefonech.Václav Dolejší (Seznam Zprávy)
FrobienTA reshared this.
@Jan Korbel 🇨🇿 🏴☠️ Za mě je tohle mnohem víc skandální, než všechny ty kecy o Síkelovi v článku 😁
Příště by si vláda mohla udělat chatroom na nebo něco takovýho, to je přeci strašný .. nahodit nefederovanej Matrix server je otázka jednoho dne. Dávat data z komunikace představitelů vlády serverům Facebooku je hrozná úchylárna 😀 napsal/a:
"Oni dostávají peníze na ruku a my tady chcípáme"
Takový to, když jsi socka a jdeš na pracák pro prachy, aby jsi šel nadávat někomu, že je socka a jde si na pracák pro prachy 😁
Video: Napadení na pražském pracáku! Žena útočila kabelkou na Ukrajinky, Rusáka na tebe, řvala -
Napětí ve společnosti stoupá, odpor vůči Ukrajincům graduje často i ve fyzické útoky, jako byl třeba ten na demonstraci před Národním muzeem. Problémy také řeší české pracovní úřady, kde se tvoří fronty právě i kvůli uprchlíkům před vá
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Objevil jsem moc pěkný video z dvacetiletýho výročí vydání hry #OriginalWar
Tahle částečně zapomenutá česká pecka od #AltarInteractive mě stála hodně času a dokonce jsem na ní uvařil dva procesory 😀
Pokud někdo máte rádi #RTS s #RPG prvky, na svou dobu pěknou grafikou a spoustou zajímavých herních mechanik - myslím, že tohle dílo po těch letech vůbec nezestárlo.
I found a nice video made for 20 years anniversary of #OriginalWar releaseThis partly forgotten #Czech game from #AltarInteractive has stolen a lot of my time back in the days. I even burned 2 CPUs while playing it 😀
Anyways - if you like #RTS with #RPG elements, nice graphic (for it's age) and lot of interesting gaming mechanics - i think this masterpiece didn't aged at all after these years.
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Výročí napadení Ukrajiny
Přemýšlím, jakými slovy bych započal moje zamyšlení nad tím, proč se rok díváme na to, že nám vraždí východní sousedy, ale slova nenacházím.
I dnes, po všech těch dnech od začátku invaze, kdy jsme sledovali webky z Kyjeva, Charkova a dalších Ukrajinských měst mě stále mrazí, že jsme se dožili toho, co jsem ve svým životě už nečekal. Stále je mi z toho stejně zle, stále čekám, že se z toho snu vzbudím. Stále doufám, že tenhle dědeček s babičkou svým vínovým vozem za svými vnoučaty dojeli. Nedojeli...
Poslední rok je podle mě rokem, kdy se začaly ukazovat charaktery jak lidí, tak národů. Opět jsme "šili roušky" tím, že jsme ve velkém sbírali jídlo, ošacení, posílali peníze, ubytovávali. My jsme dokonce bez větších problémů zvládli největší migrační vlnu, jakou Česko pamatuje a to bez ztráty kytičky! Jestli byl někdy důvod bejt na národ hrdej, je to přesně z tohoto důvodu.
Strašili nás vším, čím se dalo. Dojde plyn, přijde státní převrat, přijdou nemoci (protože Ukrajinci nejsou tolik proočkovaní), sankce nás zničí, dojde ropa, půjdeme do zákopů, budou padat atomovky. Nic z toho se nestalo a my s rovnou páteří pomáháme napadenému sousedovi.
A co je nejlepší? Neděláme to jen jako stát, ale i jako lidi - jednotlivci. Poslali jsme zdravotnický materiál, tank jménem Tomáš, PVO Viktor, sanitky, teď se chystá MLRS Přemysl atd. Všechno z peněz občanů a firem na plně dobrovolné bázi. To je přeci kurva velký! Přesto všechno však neoslavujem. Část společnosti proto, že se jí podpora Ukrajiny prostě nelíbí, druhá část je zase zklamaná tím, že nepomáháme dost.
Přihodím názor, který je můj, je osobní, lidský a plně ignoruje geopolitiku. Chci abychom jim poslali vše o co si řeknou. Klidně i lidi (na plně dobrovolné bázi). Už nikdy nechci vidět dítě v sutinách jen proto, že si Vladolf z Kremlu řekl, že je to zrovna dobrej nápad.
Nechci se dívat na to, jak sousedé umírají. Zastavte to prosím. #ZastavteVálku
#politika #ukrajina
I have hard times to figure out how to start my consideration about why do we look at our eastern neighbors while they are being slaughtered, but i can't find proper words.
Even today, after all these days since invasion started, when we were watching Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities webcams i still have goosebumps, that we are actually experiencing something i would have never expected in my life. I'm still totally sick from it. I still hope for waking up from this nightmare. I still hope that this elderly couple will arrive to their grandchildren with their red car. They wont...
Last year shown up a lot about our characters - personal or national. We were "sewing facemasks" again (at beginning of covid pandemy in #Czechia we were sewing facemasks to help people protect themselves - it was quite bonding moment when women at home with kids were sewing masks for hospitals) - collecting food, clothing, money or living places for refugees. We also made it through biggest refugee wave ever in Czech republic without any bigger issue! If there ever was a reason to be proud Czechian, it's this one.
People were spreading fear with anything though. They said we will run out of gas, goverment overthrow, diseases (Ukrainians have different vaccinations), sanctions destroying us, crude oil will run out, we will meet in trenches and nuclear bombs will fall on our head. None of this happened and we still help our neighbor while having our head straight.
But what i do see as best is, that we do not help only as nation - we also do help a lot as individuals. We have sent medical stuff, Thomas the tank, Victor AA vehicles, ambulances and we are about to send MLRS Přemysl. Everything from companies and citizens money - voluntarily. That's fucking big! We still do not celebrate any of this though. Part of us because they do not like us supporting Ukraine. Other part is let down, because it's not enough.
I will put my opinion on the table. It's my, it's personal, it's humane and it's totally ignoring geopilitical situation. I want us to supply everything they want. People involved (only volunteers). I don't want to see dead child in rubble only because of some Vladolf from Kremlin though, that it's a good idea.
I don't want to see my neighbors die anymore. Stop it please. #StopWar
#politics #ukraine
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Unknown parent • •No I'm not. We are talking about same rights - that has nothing to do with communism
And "should have same rights" is (sadly) not meaning everyone has them
Sapphire Star
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
in reply to Schmaker • •reshared this
Stevez reshared this.
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to Schmaker • •Stevez reshared this.
Zilla Icon Darby Rhodes ☁️ 🐉
in reply to Schmaker • • •Defed these nuts
Got em'
Marie Glöckner
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker likes this.
Unknown parent • •And I do see literally nothing wrong about it
Unknown parent • •Even though I like all the informations you include in this post and am about to do some research about it, I also have to delete it because you cannot keep yourself of using offensive words.
Sorry, but there's no other way...
Carbon Tax Jeff Cliff 🏴☠️🦝🐙 🇱🇧🧯 🇨🇦🐧😷“🌐
in reply to Schmaker • • •> I would like to talk to you on the other side of the ocean.
> blocks
either you want to talk to americans / want them to hear you/ are willing to do so or you aren't, and you're content living in a eumonia filter bubble where you're protected from americans and their racisms
pick one
saying you want to talk to americans while blocking them from communicating with you because they do things as american pie as 'racism' is ridiculous.
in reply to Carbon Tax Jeff Cliff 🏴☠️🦝🐙 🇱🇧🧯 🇨🇦🐧😷“🌐 • •No, it's only up to me if I want to talk to rude dumbasses who can't even act like human beings. I asked nicely, they don't give a fuck. And I don't care about trolls too.
We can disagree, but we can disagree as normal thinking well mannered beings
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to Scoundrel • •I had the exactly same goal, but reality check shows it's not possible 😀
Yet, congratulations if you manage to hold on to your goal. I failed and am saddened by it as well
Hildegunst von Mythenmetz of programming
in reply to Carbon Tax Jeff Cliff 🏴☠️🦝🐙 🇱🇧🧯 🇨🇦🐧😷“🌐 • • •George Carlin on caffeine ☕
in reply to Hildegunst von Mythenmetz of programming • • •meso
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
Unknown parent • •Somehow I think this is like most accurate description of how I do feel about US politics at this moment
Unknown parent • • •Grumblesock
Unknown parent • • •Moutie likes this.
Unknown parent • • •Hildegunst von Mythenmetz of programming
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
Unknown parent • •Hildegunst von Mythenmetz of programming
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker likes this.
in reply to Sapphire Star • • •Julio 🏳️🌈 🇨🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇸
Unknown parent • • •Julio 🏳️🌈 🇨🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇸
Unknown parent • • •スカイラー
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
Unknown parent • •
Unknown parent • • •Sapphire Star
in reply to Piggo • • •Hildegunst von Mythenmetz of programming
Unknown parent • • •Flat Moon Theories
Unknown parent • • •@eriner @KingOfWhiteAmerica
Hahahahaha the irony.
Flat Moon Theories
Unknown parent • • •Good thing we only ponder your input and don't actually take Europe advice verbatim
in reply to Schmaker • • •"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength"
George Carlin on caffeine ☕
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
Unknown parent • •As I stated earlier - I am all cool with people disagreeing and arguing with me. What happened below my post is not arguing, it's bucket of shit thrown on the wall to block any rational debate.
I'd never expect everyone to agree with my point of view, yet we can talk, disagree and show ourselves a reasons for deciding that way.
Also I did not expected such a wide audience after all, thought this post will manage it to like 2-3 Americans 😀
Unknown parent • • •NonPlayableClown
Unknown parent • • •>Most people on poast aren't trolls
I would agree most are cry babies when you make fun of their stupid elf show, or call their admin Daniel Stevens.
Unknown parent • •Don't get cocky, it's all the same in Europe as well 😀
That still won't stop me from trying
Unknown parent • • •Sensitive content
albi insincerely yours
Unknown parent • • •planujes z toho delat nejaky zaver?
in reply to albi insincerely yours • •Mám tady 350 komentářů ze kterých tak 200 komentářů je prostě jen plevel. Dosáhlo to k shitposterům, který to během odpoledne úplně zablokovali a mně už se to nedaří profiltrovat tak, abych z toho zase vyrobil diskuzi.
Celkem mě to mrzí, protože ještě dopoledne jsem to měl celkem pod kontrolou a i když ty lidi byli třeba neslušný, nebo trochu hovada, šlo se s nima bavit a kulturně nesouhlasit.
Pak už mi sem začali spamovat negrama, názkama, heilhitlerama, že se mám pověsit a tim se to celý rozpadlo na prach.
Hildegunst von Mythenmetz of programming
Unknown parent • • •Koubik
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker likes this.
in reply to Koubik • •Koubik
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker likes this.
in reply to Koubik • •Koubik
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to Koubik • •Koubik
in reply to Schmaker • • •Chick Enheart
in reply to Marie Glöckner • • •albi insincerely yours
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker likes this.
Jaroslav Kraif
in reply to Schmaker • • •Asi je čas se vrátit zase do své bubliny, kde je Mastodon úžasně netoxický, a i když se vždycky neshodneme, děláme to víceméně slušně 😄
Tohle bylo fakt zlý - asi jako se zeptat u SPD, jak je to v rusku 😄
Ale zase dobrý probuzení do reality.
Schmaker likes this.
in reply to albi insincerely yours • • •Schmaker likes this.
in reply to albi insincerely yours • •NonPlayableClown
Unknown parent • • •oussy :0
Unknown parent • • •NonPlayableClown
Unknown parent • • •oussy :0
Unknown parent • • •oussy :0
Unknown parent • • •oussy :0
Unknown parent • • •oussy :0
Unknown parent • • •oussy :0
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
Unknown parent • •Good .. now as you might notice I never said anything good about Biden either.
What I do think is, that country like US with so many people there could definitely give much better options to select from. It's a sad view from my side of the ocean
Unknown parent • •That's a funny point I did not thought about when I was doing the post. Good one.
Do you think that pardoning people attacking only because they did not like the outcome of elections is the true reason why pardons were invented though?
in reply to Schmaker • • •Ukraine did lose the war. They wasted large amounts of US taxpayer money doing so.
We're collecting as much as we can in return for our aid, and we're accepting that we are not on the winning side here. This is us cutting our losses.
in reply to CMD • •PostNeoLudite
Unknown parent • • •Schmaker
in reply to PostNeoLudite • •Yeah, exactly. So, about these biolabs - anybody seen them?
Unknown parent • •Schmaker
in reply to Weeniewawa • •You do not negotiate on territories with saying you can use military for it unless you're some sort of Putler or so.
Also - how could you make elections when citizens can't vote because of occupation? That does not make sense and that's why constitutions tend to have "war paragraph", where it says you cannod make elections during war
in reply to Schmaker • • •who? Biden? Obama? Bush? Clinton?
>I'm hell-of-a-sure that befriending pretty much dictator of #Russia while
FACT CHECK: Zelensky is president of ukraine
in reply to wishgranter14 • •They were convicted too?
Seems like you had some hard times reading 😀
Unknown parent • • •Sovereign
Unknown parent • • •@c
>Well, 3 years earlier he was about to conquer Kyiv in 3 days. I'm quite calm so far, thanks for worries 😀
I don't know if you know this but that claim is literally a invention of General Mark Milley. No actual Russians have ever said "we will take Ukraine in 3 days". You deepthroating that American CIA Kool-aid bottle.
in reply to Sovereign • •Yeah .. except for every single Putlers propagandists.
You can apologize later
2024-08-12 12:49:57
Unknown parent • • •Sovereign
Unknown parent • • •Sovereign
Unknown parent • • •Sovereign
Unknown parent • • •Sovereign
Unknown parent • • •IceCubeSoup
Unknown parent • • •Ukraine was never an ally of the United States.
Which nations exactly do you accuse Trump of threatening, in any concrete sense?
Unknown parent • • •PostNeoLudite
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to PostNeoLudite • •I'd definitely love to talk about real arguments instead, but I definitely won't do it with guy who only offends with (paraphrasing) "you're stupid, lying, everybody lies and you didn't did anything" as these aren't backed by anything and wasting time with trolls - as long as internet exists - never worked.
If you want to discuss arguments - you're free to go on, I'm in
in reply to IceCubeSoup • •Schmaker
Unknown parent • •That's definitely true and that's why people should never stop bitching their governments for misusing their tools
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker doesn't like this.
in reply to Sovereign • •Schmaker
in reply to Sovereign • •As country let down by "allies" in '38 I pretty much understand your meaning.
But somehow I still hope people remembers what became next and that's what "allies" are for
in reply to Schmaker • • •@slamy
I didn't say "bullying"
I said "threatening, in any concrete sense"
in reply to IceCubeSoup • •IceCubeSoup
in reply to Schmaker • • •Schmaker
in reply to IceCubeSoup • •…
in reply to Schmaker • • •@slamy
still wrong
politicians' blabbing and posturing does not constitute a threat
the word "threat" in a headline does not constitute an actual threat.
When the United States wants to threaten another nation, it stations one of its aircraft carriers and associated battle group off of their coast, and conducts military exercises designed to probe their defensive posture. Or some such similar deployment of actual military forces.
in reply to IceCubeSoup • • •@slamy
precisely zero has occurred with U.S. military posture vis-à-vis Denmark or Canada. There has been exactly no change whatsoever.
But congratulations for taking a silly and alarmist headline from the mainstream media seriously.
in reply to IceCubeSoup • •Yeah, except for leader of USA threatening with using military force.
I don't care if it's silly talks or not - it's still a threat.
I remember good old days when Putler was just a threatening UA and everybody laughed that it's a bullshit, until it wasnt anymore...
in reply to Schmaker • • •@slamy
nobody important was laughing. All insiders knew the threat was real, which is why they spent a more than a decade deliberately provoking Putin. Putin finally found himself in a circumstance where he was forced to cooperate in the charade.
Ukraine is the victim in a three way tug-of-war between the U.S., EU/NATO, and Russia. They were always, always, always destined to be used up and discarded, after being rubble-ized.
in reply to IceCubeSoup • • •@slamy
Russian forces have always been near Ukraine. That's what having a border means. Which means Russia was always an actual threat to Ukraine.
shit-talk is not a threat.
in reply to IceCubeSoup • •Shit talk is not a threat.
Shit like this from the mouth of president is.