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Poslušně hlásím, že schmakerovo "konec internetu" je nyní aktualizovaný na #Friendica 2024.08

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Update #Friendica na 2024.03 hotovej. Vítejme v současnosti 😀

Friendica 2024.03 released

We are very happy to announce the availability of the new stable release of Friendica “Yellow Archangel” 2024.03. In addition to several improvements and new features, this release contains several fixes for security issues reported by snajafov, arcanicanis and r1pu5u – Thank you for the reports! We strongly recommend all Friendica admins to update their installations to this stable release.

The highlights of Friendica 2024.03 are

  • We could optimize the performance in some areas.
  • An OCR addon based on Tesseract was added to optionally create missing image descriptions from the text containd in an image.
  • The Channels feature–our user defined algorithm to sort the network stream that was introduced with Friendica 2023.12–has been improved and expanded.
  • The handling of videos and images has been improved and support for WebP has been added.

Note that the minimal PHP version for Friendica was raised to PHP 7.4 with this release.

For details, please the CHANGELOG file in the repository.

What is Friendica

Friendica is a decentralised communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Tumbler and BlueSky.

How to Update

Updating from old Friendica versions

If you are updating from an older version than the 2022.12 release, please first update your Friendica instance to that version as it contained some breaking changes.

Pre-Update Procedures

Ensure that the last backup of your Friendica installation was done recently.

Using Git

Updating from the git repositories should only involve a pull from the Friendica core repository and addons repository, regardless of the branch (stable or develop) you are using. Remember to update the dependencies with composer as well. So, assuming that you are on the stable branch, the commands to update your installation to the 2024.03 release would be
cd friendica
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
cd addon
git pull
If you want to use a different branch than the stable one, you need to fetch and checkout the branch before your perform the git pull.

Pulling in the dependencies with composer will show some deprecation warning, we will be working on that in the upcoming release.

Using the Archive Files

We experience some problem with the build process for the addon archive of the stable branch and will add instruction how to upgrade your installation using the archive files as soon as possible.

Post Update Tasks

The database update should be applied automatically, but sometimes it gets stuck. If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned below.

Please note, that some of the changes to the database structure will take some time to be applied, depending on the size of your Friendica database.

Known Issues

At the time of writing this, none

How to Contribute

If you want to contribute to the project, you don’t need to have coding experience. There are a number of tasks listed in the issue tracker with the label “Junior Jobs” we think are good for new contributors. But you are by no means limited to these – if you find a solution to a problem (even a new one) please make a pull request at github or let us know in the development forum.

Contribution to Friendica is also not limited to coding. Any contribution to the documentation, the translation or advertisement materials is welcome or reporting a problem. You don’t need to deal with Git(Hub) or Transifex if you don’t like to. Just get in touch with us and we will get the materials to the appropriate places.

Thanks everyone who helped making this release possible, and especially to all the new contributors to Friendica, and have fun!…

!Friendica Support

Hello guys,

I'm getting #PHP process killed by #OOM killer lately and am not able to debug what and why is causing it, only thing i know at this moment is, that it seems to be related to #Friendica worker (no other webpages are running at my VPS.

Errors in friendica.log and httpd.log are repeated over and over again, I have tons of these.

Friendica log
2024-01-14T12:14:05Z worker [ALERT]: Fatal Error (E_ERROR): Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50348032 bytes) {"code":1,"message":"Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 50348032 bytes)","file":"/srv/http/","line":568,"trace":null} - {"file":null,"line":null,"function":null,"request-id":"65a3d00a94ba8","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleFatalError","uid":"0e21ff","process_id":524483}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746909,"uid":0,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056319,"guid":"52acf9cd-d5329c5bc33553a3-16fb1418"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746910,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7055024,"guid":"2cc3d87f-74a5bdcec9bb28f3-597a3200"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1874), Item::storeForUser (1740), Item::storeForUserByUriId (1252), Processor::hasParents (1162), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: Inserted missing parent post {"stored":1746910,"uid":2,"parent":""} - {"file":"Processor.php","line":1255,"function":"hasParents","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Processor::hasParents (1162), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:19Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746911,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056319,"guid":"52acf9cd-d5329c5bc33553a3-16fb1418"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d01b052b3","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (783), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"1ddf6c","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:28Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"918db4sbltu4uuboiu7vgir1u1","uri":"/robots.txt"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d0247394c","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (132), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (132), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"21ebe6","process_id":521020}
2024-01-14T12:14:46Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746912,"uid":0,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056320,"guid":"f7dd981d-1265-a37e-95d3-45a258252183"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d0369bf29","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (708), Processor::createActivity (843), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"ced645","process_id":511968}
2024-01-14T12:14:46Z app [NOTICE]: created item {"post-id":1746913,"uid":2,"network":"apub","uri-id":7056320,"guid":"f7dd981d-1265-a37e-95d3-45a258252183"} - {"file":"Item.php","line":1334,"function":"insert","request-id":"65a3d0369bf29","stack":"Item::insert (1172), Processor::postItem (708), Processor::createActivity (843), Receiver::routeActivities (747), Receiver::processActivity (169), Receiver::processInbox (101), Inbox::post (233), BaseModule::run (109), BaseApi::run (43), Inbox::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"ced645","process_id":511968}
2024-01-14T12:14:49Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"0ahqk6onff097rtsfs76uk85vu","uri":"/profile/netvoyne?tag=Zaporozhye&page=7"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d0395754d","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (132), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (132), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"28fdfc","process_id":521334}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [NOTICE]: no data for session {"session_id":"f1176v7k02rugm0aqrpgo7l8eg","uri":"/display/c83e3896-1964-2eb2-f5bf-0c2147726828"} - {"file":"Database.php","line":78,"function":"read","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"Database::read, session_start (54), Native::start (150), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (132), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (247), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (132), Dice::Dice\\{closure} (96), Dice::create (92), DI::app (42)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":46} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (46), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593), Conversation::render (278), Display::getDisplayData (165), Display::content (250), BaseModule::run (711), App::runFrontend (46)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":1103} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (1103), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::_execute (116), Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase::fetch (100), FriendicaSmartyEngine::replaceMacros (84), Renderer::replaceMacros (593)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":1103} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (1103), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48), content_65894a0656ce28_18927795 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (238)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":506} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (506), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":521} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (521), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":539} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (539), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on null {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on null","file":"/srv/http/","line":554} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (554), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}
2024-01-14T12:14:50Z app [WARNING]: E_WARNING: Trying to access array offset on false {"code":2,"message":"Trying to access array offset on false","file":"/srv/http/","line":798} - {"file":"smarty_internal_errorhandler.php","line":112,"function":"handleError","request-id":"65a3d03a79379","stack":"ErrorHandler::handleError (112), Smarty_Internal_ErrorHandler::handleError (798), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (384), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (1158), content_65894a1d891d04_34538026 (123), Smarty_Template_Resource_Base::getRenderedTemplateCode (114), Smarty_Template_Compiled::render (217), Smarty_Internal_Template::render (386), Smarty_Internal_Template::_subTemplateRender (48)","uid":"9ecf0a","process_id":516104}

httpd error log
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773690 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773743 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773791 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773874 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773940 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.773990 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774111 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774182 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774240 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774291 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774364 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774418 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774531 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774590 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774642 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774698 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774762 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:10:37.774816 2024] [php:warn] [pid 511968] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.905457 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.910537 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.912046 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.913249 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.913974 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.914188 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.914399 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915173 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915418 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:12:50.915886 2024] [php:warn] [pid 521020] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46, referer:
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.621887 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 46
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625511 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625602 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625659 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625710 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625798 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.625882 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626226 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 506
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626284 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 521
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626352 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 539
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626403 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/http/ on line 554
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626497 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 798
[Sun Jan 14 13:13:05.626575 2024] [php:warn] [pid 524293] [client] PHP Warning:  Trying to access array offset on false in /srv/http/ on line 1103

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

@Schmaker I'm not sure if that is related to your OOM messages. I guess more some few files are close to that limit which causes the OOM. So I guess we need a new configuration option here which is trivial to add.
in reply to Roland Häder

If having problem fixed within one day means being lazy, then I'm totally fine with that 😀

Thanks, man - seriously

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Roland Häder

So, after the worker managed to get over all of the tasks without bigger issues the issue showed again and my worker is going nuts again.

Can't say for sure, but can't the worker be trying to process deffered tasks without specified limit?

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

Tried to reduce worker count to 1 and tasks per worker to 1 as well, no change.

Getting roughly 2,5 GB memory usage for the problematic worker before getting killed. Maybe it's expected behavior and I'm keeping you busy for no reason?

It definitely seems wierd to me. What's even more wierd is, that everything worked for roughly 2 days with like 6 OOM kills daily (exactly what I got for last 2 years or so 😀 )

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

@Schmaker Have you updated your instance to latest develop code? There is a new configuration entry performance.max_response_data_size which is being set at default 1000000. You can override it in your local configuration file.
in reply to Schmaker

Either server deffered the task or managed to get it through - last OOM kill was 3 hours ago

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

So, just to close this case somehow - it seems like problem disappeared for now. Heaviest workers are sitting with max. 1-1,5GB RAM - I consider that normal when requests are limited to 1GB.

If it shows up again, I'll open bug report as that may be something harder to troubleshoot.

Once again, thanks guys

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

No, tohle tam obvykle nebývá, ale asi se nejedná o útok, byť jsem takový čísla viděl naposledy, když někdo trollil ActivityPub instance

Takže moje #Friendica instance neuměla přes rok uploadovat #GIF jen proto, že jsem měl zakomentovanej #imagick v konfiguráku #PHP ?

Vyšla #Friendica 2023.12 s novou funkcí "channels" - v podstatě se jedná o chytřejší filtrování timeline podle parametrů/tagů/whatever, takže už máme i "What's hot" 😀

A další fičurka (viz foto) naznačuje, že konec se blíží! 😁

in reply to Schmaker

Jasně. Nostr je jeden z protokolů, jako Twitter nebo BlueSky, jen decentralizovaný bez efektivní cenzury. Proto ta integrace do Frendica dává smysl.

!Czech ťuk ťuk - test federace z #Friendica

CzechLemmy umřel, tak to jdu zkusit i u vás 😀

#Friendica 2023.09 bude umět (mimo jiné) crosspost do #BlueSky

Friendica 2023.09 Release Candidate available

We have just branched off the 2023.09-rc branches from the current development branch of Friendica, but it is Hacktober already! True at least for the RC we’ll stick to the milestone number 😉 If you want to help finding rough edges and bogus behaviour and hopefully fix them before the upcoming release, please checkout the new branch and report problems that you encounter.

The most notable changes in this release are:

  • A new Bluesky connector, that allows you to use your Bluesky account from within Friendica. Crosspost to that platform and interact with your contacts there.
  • We renamed some of our existing features in the hope to make it more easily to recognize what they are. Your contact groups are now called Circles, and the old public/private forums are now public/private Groups.
  • A new feature are the Channels that are integrated into the network view of a Friendica user and offer a filtered view on the content posted contacts. This includes thinks like postings from contacts that you mostly interacted with, or postings that got the most interactive within the last 24 hours. We plan to give the users definition control over what a Channel definition looks like.

What is Friendica

Friendica is a decentralised communications platform, you can use to host your own social media server that integrates with independent social networking platforms (like the Fediverse or Diaspora*) but also some commercial ones like Twitter.

How to use the 2023.09 RC Version of Friendica

If you want to help in the release process, you can checkout the 2023.09-rc branch from the main git repositories (because of technical problems the mirrors of the core and addons repository currently don’t work).
git fetch
git checkout 2023.09-rc
git pull
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev
Note that you only need to pull the composer dependencies in the core repository.

And yes, this means the main git repositories at and

Should the upgrade process of the database get stuck

If you encounter this, please initiate the DB update manually from the command line by running the script
./bin/console dbstructure update
from the base of your Friendica installation. If the output contains any error message, please let us know using the channels mentioned above.
What to do with Quirks

The 2023.09-rc phase is meant to identify and preferable resolve quirks and bugs that should not be in the 2023.10 release, but have slipped through so far. So if you switch your node to the 20232.09-rc version of Friendica, please let us know about rough edges you find, either at the issue tracker (github account required), in the support forum or in the development forum.

Thanks a lot for helping with the release 🙂…

Federační test

@Cesky Zdravím a pozdravuji

Snad nebude vadit, že jsem si sem dovolil odložit testovací post z #Friendica, abych zjistil, jak nám mezi sebou ty instance federují, protože v tuhle chvíli mám otestováno, jak moje posty zpracovává #Mastodon, ale o #Lemmy vůbec nic nevim.

V případě potřeby smažte, komentujte, downvotujte nebo cokoliv jinýho vás napadne.

Schmaker z konce internetu 😀

Cesky reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

Odkaz mě vezme rovnou na friendica, to je úmysl? Nebo to dělám špatně?
in reply to HangingFruit

@HangingFruit To bude vada/vlastnost federace. Asi to bude chtít pastnout url do searchboxu
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Začaly mi ve #Friendica mizet avatary sledovaných z Mastodonu. Šel jsem mrknout na #Mastodon, jestli se tam něco neděje. - nefunguje - nefunguje - nefunguje

Nabízí se otázka - sloníci, nemáte nějakej problém? 😁

Jsem na reshared this.

Jsou tady někde zájmové stránky typu autíčkáři, muzika, elektromobilita či podobně?

#Friendica používá k tomuto #forum, ale nevim, jestli třeba takový #Mastodon vůbec něco takovýho umí.

Chybí mi tu autíčkáři, elektrický přibližovadla, fankluby automobilek, analýzy UA války a podobný čistě tématický skupiny - sledovat jedince je fajn, sdružovat je by možná bylo lepší 😀

in reply to Schmaker

Jo to zde chybí. Mastodon to ani neumožňuje 😏
in reply to Archos

@Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:
Aha, tak proto to není. Každopádně Friendica to umí a asi by to bylo kompatibilní (v podstatě bot, co boostuje posty), jen nejsem nejspolehlivější server na zakládání takových věcí 😁

Možná ale nic jinýho nezbyde

in reply to Archos

@Archos :distros_arch: :matrix: Zkusil jsem založit fórum @Autíčkáři CZ/SK, který by mělo fungovat zhruba tak, že když ho někdo tagne, tak to automaticky resharuje.

Jak se na to tváří Mastodon netušim 😁

Archos reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

Na webu vidím, že je to skupina, ale v aplikaci na mobilu ne. Vůbec nevím jak to má fungovat 😀 @autickariczsk
in reply to Archos

@archos skupiny ve fediverse už nějakou dobu fungují. viz… já jsem úplně náhodou takhle potkal skupinu o pletení 😅 Sice jsem se nestal členem, ale přesvědčilo mě to, že to funguje docela dobře.
in reply to Smoon

@Smoon Dobrý, o těchhle variantách jsem vůbec nevěděl. Fedi je evidentně stále ještě dost neprobádaný místo 😀

#Friendica v příští verzi opravuje bugy 12683 a 12684, který mě strašně štvaly, takže už bude fungovat filtrování kategorií a tagů na mým profilu.

Mé srdce plesá 😀

Tak já si celou dobu myslel, že #Friendica neumí postovat #CW a ono jen stačí použít [abstract], jen se mi jako postujícímu CW neukáže 😁

Má #Fedi nějakou obdobu fór/skupin?

#Friendica něco takovýho umí, ale nevšiml jsem si, že by něco takovýho měl třeba převažující #Mastodon.

Přeci mi nechcete říct, že #Fediverse nemá mimibazary! 😁

Handling video with Friendica

Hello !Friendica Support, it's me again 😀

today i was about to upload #video to my #friendica account , but figured no possible way to do this.

When i'm about to upload file, i get "bad request". I also did not found the way to upload it into "files section".

Embedding from #youtube also does not work for me.

Is there any way to use video in posts in friendica at this moment?


Friendica Support reshared this.

Strašně často si přeju, aby #Friendica uměla měnit oprávnění příspěvku bez toho, abych ho musel mazat a přidat znovu 😁

  • Sensitive content
  • Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to Schmaker

Doufám, že se v český mutaci používá hashtag #Nováček, nic jsem nenašel 😁
in reply to Schmaker

Tak po dvou letech si dovolim ještě update - v poslední době je u mě top trending topic #eKoloběžka #Kaabo #Skywalker 10H , o který si můžeme pokecat třeba na mým fóru @Elektrická přibližovadla CZ/SK

  • Sensitive content
  • Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to Schmaker

After 2 years I think it's time to update this post for my actual top trending topic, that is #eScooter I'm riding. It's #Kaabo #Skywalker 10H and we can about it on my Fediverse group (Czech only) @Elektrická přibližovadla CZ/SK

Connecting to instances without relay

Hello there

Yesterday i found out that you are able to add #Mastodon instances to relays (did not worked with #Friendica servers). I'm not sure though, if this actually works, or Friendica only adds it as relay and it does nothing (no messages received so far).

Question is, is there similar way to connect to Friendica instances?

I would have deployed relay to do the job, but it seems that most used Pleroma one suffers of bug that does not let me manage it.


!Friendica Support

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Schmaker

Okay, so far it seems like they aren't relaying posts, so i guess this is not the way to go.

Friendica Support reshared this.